Apply Online

Application Fee: $75.00 (per person, non-refundable)
Administrative Fee: $400.00 (per person, non-refundable)
Cat Fee: $450.00 (per cat, annually , non-refundable)
Cat Fee: $550.00 (per dog, annually, non-refundable)

⚠️ To automatically prefill the accurate values, please browse our available apartments here and click "Apply Now" button

    Apply Online Now

    Apartment Info

    Apartment Building*

    Apartment #*

    Rent in USD*

    Lease Term Start*

    Lease Term End*

    How did you hear about us?

    Your Info

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Social Security Number*

    Date of Birth*

    Driver's License #*


    Cell Phone*

    Work Phone

    Your Address





    Monthly Rent in USD*

    Move-in date


    Landlord Phone #*

    Emergency Contact

    Emergency Contact Full Name*




    Additional Occupants

    Please provide names and relations to all additional adults that will occupy the apartment.
    Please complete a separate application for each adult.

    First Additional Occupant

    Full Legal Name


    Date of Birth

    Second Additional Occupant

    Full Legal Name


    Date of Birth

    Third Additional Occupant

    Full Legal Name


    Date of Birth


    First Pet


    Weight in LBS

    Second Pet


    Weight in LBS

    Current Employment Info


    Job Title*


    Annual Salary in USD*

    Start Date

    Best Contact*

    Contact Phone #*

    Other Income / Additional info

    I understand that the Application Fee will not be refunded if the application is rejected by TBS Properties, LLC or if the apartment is unavailable. The Application Deposit shall be used as liquidated damages should I cancel, or if the information I have given is false. Upon approval of this application, time is of the essence. It is understood that I may, at the discretion of TBS Properties, LLC, forfeit the Application Fee and any rights to the apartment if I fail to execute a written Lease, as prepared by TBS Properties, LLC, within 24 hours of approval. I hereby authorize all banks, employers, landlord and other entities that I have referenced in this application to release any and all personal information to TBS Properties, LLC, necessary for the purposes of verifying this information. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information I have given is true and correct.